Películas>Lawrence de Arabia>Banda sonora

Lawrence de Arabia

  • Maurice Jarre
  • ·
  • 1962

1. Overture - London Philharmonic Orchestra

2. Main Titles

3. First Entrance to the Desert/night and stars/Lawrence and Tafas

4. Miracle – London Philharmonic Orchestra

5. That Is the Desert - London Philharmonic Orchestra

6. Nefud Mirage/Sun's Anvil

7. Rescue of Gasim/Bringing Gasim into Camp

8. Arrival at Auda's Camp - London Philharmonic Orchestra

9. On to Akaba/Beach at Night

10. Sinai Desert

11. Voice of the Guns - London Philharmonic Orchestra

12. Horse Stampede/Ali Rescues Lawrence/Lawrence and His Bodyguard

13. End/Playoff Music
